About us
Lutheran Girl Pioneers (LGP) is a Christ-centered youth ministry providing a program for girls all across North America.  It is offered through churches of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) and those in fellowship with the WELS. Through various activities, the Girl Pioneers ministry strives to help its participants become happy, confident and successful members of society.

The Lutheran Girl Pioneer program has grown through the years, and today offers girls the opportunity to discover and develop interests in many areas.  They may choose to explore leadership, first aid, photography, civics, art, drama, gardening, home management, and pet care -  just to name a few. 

All of these activities are designed to give girls in our program skills upon which they can draw and use in their familiy, school, church, and community.  Lessons are blended with a well-balanced mixture of Bible reference and prayer.  It is our goal to help girls develop a strong and steadfast faith in the Savior, realizing the joy of a Christ-centered life in all things.