National activities
Here are links to the national activities:
Pine car derby
Summer camp


LGP Calendar of Events
If you would like your district or local event listed on the LGP Calendar, please email the office at


Fri. 10/4 - Sun. 10/6 St. Paul's Franklin, WI
70th Anniversary International Convention

Mon. 10/14
Canadian Thanksgiving / Columbus Day

Sun. 11/3
Daylight Savings Time Ends

Mon. 11/11
Veterans Day (US) / Remembrance Day (Canada)

Thurs. 11/21 6:30 PM CST
LGP National Council Meeting

Thurs. 11/28
Thanksgiving Day

Sun. 12/1
First Sunday in Advent

Tues. 12/24
Christmas Eve

Wed. 12/25
Christmas Day

Thurs. 12/26
Boxing Day Holiday (Canada)

Mon. 1/6
Time to request invitation to Mission and Ministry Conference at WLS

Tues. 2/4 - Thurs. 2/6 LGP Booth @ WELS Seminary
WELS Missions and Ministry Conf.

Mon. 7/7
ED Performance Evaluation Forms sent to National Councilwomen for feedback

Mon. 7/21
ED Performance Evaluation Forms due for return to NC President

Mon. 7/21 - Thurs. 7/24 LGP Booth @ Martin Luther College
WELS Synod Convention

Fri. 8/15
LGP Employee Performance Evaluation conducted by President and Pastoral Advisors with ED