How to start a caravan
Are you interested in starting or re-activating a Caravan? It's simple to do!

Step One: Check out this Getting Started video

Step Two: Download and copy the following three pdf files to share with your Pastor, church council, Education or Evangelism Chairman, and anyone else who interested in the Girl Pioneers ministry. (You can also call the National Office for paper copies or to have them emailed to you.)

LGP Promo Brochure
LGP Information
Program Planner
70th Anniversary Brochure

Step Three: After reviewing all the materials, CALL or EMAIL the LGP National Office.
                    Phone number: 1-608-781-5232   or   Email:

                    We will walk you through the steps to starting your Caravan!

A few LGP facts:
  • Lutheran Girl Pioneers is an affiliated ministry of the WELS (meaning we are affiliated with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Synod, but receive no funding from either Synod). Our means of funding is primarily from our yearly membership dues ($20 per girl, per year).
  • Membership in Girl Pioneers includes: a caravan library, name recognition (we've been around since the 1950s!), assistance from experienced leaders (through National Conventions, your District Counselor, and access to the National Office), merchandise (available through our easy-to-use online store), National Activities (National Camp, National Pine Car Derby, National Convention), and national newsletters (“The Prairie Schooner News,” published each month for the girls in Lutheran Girl Pioneers and “The Guide,” published six times a year for the leaders and pastors of our ministry).
  • Lutheran Girl Pioneers has caravans of all sizes- some as big as 60 to 100 girls, some as small as 4 or 5 girls.  
  • Lutheran Girl Pioneers is for all girls, ages Kindergarten through high school. Our program materials are appropriate for all levels, and we have materials for all the ages. 

If you are interested in starting a Lutheran Boy Pioneers program as well, please email the Boy Pioneers at